Never before has the environment been such a crucial element in the history of our species. Its protection and preservation, therefore, concerns us all since at this critical moment our very existence is at the cross-road. The improvement of the living conditions of the majority, the reduction of extreme inequalities, or the use of new sources of energy other than those based on carbon, are key elements of the irreversible change that we are experiencing.
Following this line, at GMS Internacional we decided several years ago to direct our efforts to contribute to renewable energy projects. And since then we have not stopped doing it from our areas of knowledge and specialization: we have provided clients with new, more effective and efficient soil prospecting methods, we have innovated in the development of new models for optimizing the foundations of fixed structures or solar trackers. and we have developed a set of integrated engineering services fully adapted to renewable projects.
Over the past 9 years our team has matured, grown bigger and stronger, and is better able to actively contribute to the change.
We are proud to be part of this great family of companies, entities, associations, governments committed to energy, environmental and social change and to contribute daily to its dissemination, improvement and continuous innovation in this field.
Thanks to all of you who have trusted GMS Internacional during all these years, but especially during this year 2020, a year that will mark our lives in such a unique way. Merry Christmas and happy 2021.