Assessment of contaminated soil, soil quality and contamination, generic reference levels and contaminated soil remediation.
The basic regulations in force in Spain for the management of potentially contaminated soils and contaminated soils are, on the one hand, Royal Decree 9/2005 of January 14, which establishes the list of activities that potentially contaminate the soil and the criteria and standards for the declaration of contaminated soil.
On the other hand, Law 22/2011 of July 28 on contaminated waste and soil, regulating the treatment to be given to soils declared as contaminated. Moreover, Law 5/2013 partially transposes the European Directive on Industrial Emissions (IED) and Royal Decree 815/2013 completes said transposition.
In order to comply with said regulation GMS Internacional offers its clients various services adapted to each circumstance, project phase or business. For example, the characterisation of the subsoil for the preparation of the Base Soil Report for new activities or to expand existing activities.
Likewise, we carry out Risk Analysis to assess the risk of contamination in a soil, the objective of which is none other than to determine whether it is necessary to carry out soil remediation or adopt other corrective actions at the site under study.
On the other hand, Law 22/2011 of July 28 on contaminated waste and soil, regulating the treatment to be given to soils declared as contaminated. Moreover, Law 5/2013 partially transposes the European Directive on Industrial Emissions (IED) and Royal Decree 815/2013 completes said transposition.
In order to comply with said regulation GMS Internacional offers its clients various services adapted to each circumstance, project phase or business. For example, the characterisation of the subsoil for the preparation of the Base Soil Report for new activities or to expand existing activities.
Likewise, we carry out Risk Analysis to assess the risk of contamination in a soil, the objective of which is none other than to determine whether it is necessary to carry out soil remediation or adopt other corrective actions at the site under study.

Finally, it is important to underline that GMS Internacional carries out Soil Analysis and Characterisation as a basic tool for the determination of chemical substances that may be found in the soil. Through a sequential process of historical analysis of the site, followed by soil-gas sampling, non-intrusive research by georadar or Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), soundings and trial pits, you can later accurately model the flow of contaminants and their interaction with the medium through the analysis of field data using specific tools such as Mudflow or ProUCL (EPA).
In this way, GMS Internacional’s clients can make safe decisions based on complete and properly analysed data.
In this way, GMS Internacional’s clients can make safe decisions based on complete and properly analysed data.
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