We carry out specific tests for photovoltaic projects

The combined pull-out and lateral-load test is performed by pulling vertically, horizontally, or at an angle of ~ 30º on the pole with a given force. The deformations are then read on a micrometer, both vertically and horizontally. As the loads are increased, the horizontal and vertical displacements are recorded along with the maximum and minimum applied loads. Lateral load tests are performed after the poles are driven by pulling the poles laterally (parallel to the ground surface). In this case, the torsion of the pole and its final tilt are measured also.
Purpose and use:
This test is routinely used in photovoltaic projects to determine the pole that best suits a given terrain- load-cost plan.

The wire-on-bolt test is traditionally used to monitor and evaluate the corrosivity of the environment in steel structures. The interpretation of results is based on the percentage of mass loss, normalised to 90 days of exposure, of aluminium wire samples wrapped around steel and/or copper bolts. Aluminium / steel and aluminium / copper combinations are used to classify corrosivity in marine and industrial environments, respectively. After the exposure period, the percentage of mass loss of the cables is determined and used for a qualitative classification of the corrosiveness of the atmospheric environment, e.g. insignificant, moderate, moderately severe, severe, or very severe. The mass loss percentage of the aluminium / steel combination is generally considered as the Marine Corrosivity Index (MCI) and the mass loss percentage of the Al / Cu combination is generally considered as the Industrial Corrosivity Index (ICI). The indices are adjusted by subtracting the small amount of corrosion that occurs in the aluminium wires wound on plastic rods. Therefore, the results reflect the amount of corrosion caused by galvanic influences, if any.
Purpose and use:
Performed in accordance with ASTM G116, this test is intended to determine the loss of mass of aluminium wires coiled in steel or copper bolts. It is mainly used for the evaluation of corrosive atmospheres to the galvanizing of steel structures in order to adequately quantify said galvanization.

This test is based on the ASTM G57 standard. The Soil Box test is used to measure the electrical resistivity of the soil under standardised laboratory conditions. The main use is to control the corrosivity of structures buried in soil. In fact, electrical resistivity is a parameter that is used doubly to determine both the corrosive potential of the soil and for the design of cathodic protection systems. In the case of the laboratory test, the soil sample is introduced into a standard methacrylate container and a current is applied from an electrical source and a resistivity meter. The result is the measure of the resistance of the soil to the passage of the current, in Ohm x cm.
Purpose and use:
The purpose of the test is the determination under standard laboratory conditions of the resistivity of a compacted soil sample in a methacrylate box. The use, as indicated above, is the geoelectrical characterisation of the materials that should be used as fill in trenches for electrical cables, among others.

The infiltration test is performed according to ASTM D5126 for the single ring and D3385 for the double ring. In the first case, a ring of about 30cm in diameter is used, which is inserted into the ground several centimetres down. The water accumulates in the ring and the amount of water necessary to maintain the constant head height is measured. Infiltration is considered complete when the water flow stabilises. At that particular point, the infiltration rate for that soil is determined. It should be noted that, unlike other tests (percolation and permeability), the infiltration measurement is carried out vertically in the first few centimetres of the soil.
Purpose and use:
The purpose of this test is the determination of the infiltration rate of the soil against rain or irrigation in the field. The main use of this test is for the calculation of irrigation in golf courses, agricultural land, or hydrological surveys, among others.