Specialists in hydrological and hydraulic surveys. We provide the best solutions for each type of photovoltaic plant lay-out.
The focus of the hydrological survey on the specific solar or wind power project.
Our experience in different regulatory contexts.
We can provide everything you need centrally: hydrological, hydraulic and drainage surveys.
The main objective of hydrological survey is to determine the level of hydrological and hydraulic risk for all types of infrastructure. In particular, GMS Internacional has specialised in the hydrological and hydraulic analysis of photovoltaic plants, wind farms and other urban projects and infrastructure (housing developments, roads, bridges, high-voltage power lines, substations …).
These surveys combine the calculation of the statistical probability of rainfall and flood risk, as well as the application of numerical methods to determine the flood flows, water heights and the erosional velocity of the same. In addition, these surveys include the pre-dimensioning of drainage systems based on hydraulic calculations.
In some cases, we also carry out a calculation of undermining by the water which flows throughout the site or plot and which could affect the stability of the foundations or structures of the building project. Similarly, our studies and surveys combine sedimentation analysis and also provide hydraulic risk maps, thereby enabling the project manager to pinpoint the areas of greatest risk for the project’s structures.
In the initial stages of a project, and based upon the results of the hydrological survey, we propose in-plant drainage networks which facilitate draining and/or channelling off water which has accumulated on the plant site. During the construction phase, we focus on the actual design and construction of the drainage system with gutters, ridges, and overpasses among others (see our section on Hydraulic Engineering).
The hydrological and hydraulic team of GMS Internacional is made up of engineers, geologists, and environmental science graduates with a proven track record of experience in carrying out these types of surveys in different regulatory contexts. Our capacity to adapt our research to the real problems of our clients in order to provide solutions which are tailor made to the complexity of each case, is our distinguishing feature.

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Contact us and we will design a project which is tailor made to your needs.